A healthy immune system is optimal for longevity, growth, and development. Some people suffer from having an overactive immune system meaning that their immune system is activated without a harmful threat causing autoimmunity or severe allergies. Auto-immunity can affect all parts of the body. Modern medicine often suppresses the immune system causing a weakened body unable to defend itself from cancer, viruses, bacteria. Our approach to treating auto-immunity is to strengthen the immune system. There is no one cure for autoimmunity, but we combine conventional and alternative therapies. Some modalities include
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4061980/ :
- Correcting nutrient and vitamin deficiencies.
- Following and anti-inflammatory diet
- Ozone
- UVBI therapy
- Hyperbaricoxygen therapy.
- Nutritional / supportive IV’s.
How do I know if I have an auto-immune condition?
Auto-immunity can manifest as inflammation, rashes, fatigue, fevers, body aches and pain, joint swelling, and loss of function or decreased productivity.
Schedule a consult today.