Our Approach to Natural Cancer Treatment

We believe that cancer treatment incorporates a variety of modalities to heal the body. Part of our treatment is to identify the root cause treat to ensure that remission is permanent. We are credentialed to send off RGCC testing that provides you with individualized therapies that will target your specific cancer and provide you with natural and conventional therapies
https://northamerica.rgcc-international.com/highlight-your-cancers-vulnerabilities-ga/?gad%C2%A7source=1 Because we are an integrative practice we combine natural therapies like our high dose vitamin C treatment IV’s https://brio-medical.com/resources/webinar-replays/
diet modification (the metabolic approach) https://www.drnasha.com/ supplementation
https://fullscript.com/ mistletoe https://www.themistletoebook.com repurposed drugs that have shown effective results in cancer treatment https://covid19criticalcare.com/reviews-and-mon
https://mycancerstory.rocks/81-2/ with other therapies like oxygen
therapy, PEMF via the Kloud https://info.centropix.com/en/Home RIFE https://bcxrife.com/
and hyperbaric oxygen https://thehyperbarichealingcenter.com/ 
We are happy to refer to our friendly oncologist and surgeons in the area for more complex cases based of what the patient desires for treatment. Our therapies can be curative and or supportive. Schedule an appointment today